Laboratory Compost

Projects listed here were neglected and recycled.

😉 Emotext

A scalable chat app that has predefined textual representations of emotions. Emotext's are displayed for first, second and third persons, leading to a more rich and humorous expression context. Got too far behind on elixir/phoenix major version, upgrades and not worth maintaining

🐞 Testmanship

Research on test automation, fuzz testing, security and machine learning and how to bring them all together.

🥠 Fortunes Mobile

A mobile app for the fortunes service. Fortunes are told with a variety of extra cute characters like cows and androids. Extra fortune content and redesigned categories with the ability for users to submit their own.


Development environments reused as sandcastles. Project specific bastions with hooks. Requires mouseless editing skill.


A plugin based tool to create development projects and to manage git and build versions. Plugin/templating system for new projects needs better design.


A secure group coding solution in the terminal. Basically tmux and ssh but with a few extras for communication and managing edit control. Requires mouseless editing skill.